I was struck by the recent passing of Paul Newman. Now I've never given much thought to him beyond the occasional bottle of salad dressing, but as deaths often do, you begin to learn a lot about a person.
It is rare when an individual transcends life -- where they are universally acclaimed and seen as being genuine. In an age of spin and posturing, seldom do you find a private life that matches the public image.
I think I would have liked Paul Newman. And I know everyone likes Paul Newman, but I think I would have enjoyed grabbing a beer with him, shooting the breeze, and soaking up the moment. The guy was the essence of cool -- somebody who just had it without even trying. He raced cars into his 80s, was a notorious practical joke, and made the type of movies that guys enjoy seeing.
But that's the thing about Paul Newman, he could have stopped there and the eulogies would have still come pouring in. But he didn't...he dared to care about something beyond himself. He was faithful in marriage, took an interest in important issues, and started this little hole in the wall organization.
There are many people, both past and present, both famous and unknown, that I strive to learn from and I believe that he falls into this category. As far as I know, Paul Newman held no religous convictions and that is one place that I draw a distinction between him and me. But one thing I do know, it is refreshing to hear of an individual who used their prestigue to make a difference. Oh, and Butch Cassidy was a pretty good flick too :)
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