Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The majesty of snow.

This Florida boy always gets excited when it snows and boy did it snow!  I was thinking that snow is one of those things that is either good or bad based on your circumstances.  It was great for me because I got to work from home, but not so great for those with the 7 hour commutes or those who had to spend the night outside.

But if you're dressed warm enough and have your car parked safely in front of your house, it can be a wonderful thing.  I always try to do something special with the snow.  This year I went on a run around Green Lake.  At first I wasn't very excited as it was bitterly cold and windy with snow falling down all over the place.  But the moment I got to the lake, I was so glad that I did.  "Majestic" was the only word that came to mind.  The beauty of nature and man flowing seamlessly together to a perfect scene.  The lake was pristine and I almost had it to myself.  It was an incredibly peaceful run and reminded me once again why I love this city and living where I do.  It was as if this was a confirmation that this is where I am suppose to be.

Of course, halfway around, my knee that has been bothering me started acting up again and I had to walk.  It was a damper on a near perfect scene.  But even walking (and frustratingly muttering about my knee), it gave me more time to soak up the scene.  At the end, I threw my hands up like Andy DuFrain did when he escaped from Shawshank and praised God for such a magnificent creation.
