This city is the centerpiece for urban sprawl. It seems like every family has their 2 car garage their 1.4 kids, and a careful eye on what their neighbor is doing. Traffic is anywhere and everywhere and good luck trying to scamper across the 10 lane highways. The afternoons are mildly warm (oh say around 95 or so) and it seems like the only proper way to cool down is with a glass of sweet tea – iced of course (or a coke as the Coca-Cola factory is here as well).
I’ve attended Peachtree Presbyterian the past two weeks. Like many Atlanta Churches (we are in the Bible belt after all), it’s quite big and you need a map and a compass to get from one end to the other. Nevertheless, I managed to find my way to a Sunday School class for single 20 somethings out of college. The first week we talked about Abraham – of how God told him to leave everything behind and go to a foreign land. Now I don’t know if God has called me here or not but I couldn’t help but think of the parallels to my current situation…of leaving behind a very comfortable place. To follow it up on week two, we looked at the story of Sarah – of how she tried to fulfill God’s promise in her own timing by telling her husband to sleep with her maid servant. It’s a chilling story and one with dire consequences. How often have I charged ahead with my agenda before seeking God?...hopefully not as many times as I fear.
And to make an awkward segway, I have adapted the popular Irishisms from two years ago to:
Signs you’re in the South…
- You meet people with names like Judd and Savannah
- An order of "tea" at any restaurant will result in a concoction that is half sugar and one that the locals refer to as "Sweet tea"
- Going through the grocery store on Sunday, I had my bottle of wine taken away from me --- don't worry, you can still drink at the local watering holes to your heart’s content ;)
- [actual conversation about 8500 member Church inferring that it wasn't] – “some people consider this to be a big Church”